

Monday, April 11, 2016

Google Sniper 3.0 Review - Scam in the Crosshairs

Review of Google Sniper 3.0

The very first thing that I was forced to notice was the buying process. It took over 15 minutes just to get to the product! This is because I had to navigate past 4 additional sales offers.

But the worse part about the buying process was almost being tricked into a monthly recurring payment membership of $47 a month with Google Sniper 3.0. There is a small button on the sales page that indicated you are getting access to Sniper X but no mention of any sort of recurring fee. Have a look at this screenshot below.

 Now, if this is left checked, then upon the checkout, there is a small mention of Future Payments of $47 a month. Have a look.

But if you uncheck the box and then visit the checkout, the Future Payments of $47 a month is gone. If the Google Sniper 3.0 product is so awesome as it mentions within the sales page, then why do they need be sneaky about the recurring monthly fee?

I made a video of me buying Google Sniper 3.0 which goes through the entire process of the upsells, downsells and revealing this little monthly fee trick. Watch the video and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Who Is Google Sniper 3.0 For?

If you are new to internet marketing and want to get a basic grasp of what internet marketing is all about, then the main guide pdf does still have some value in it. I would stay far away from the methods outlined in the “Sniper Cash Machine” as they are borderline spam actions that can get your social accounts banned, internet cancelled or worse.

Aside from people who have no knowledge whatsoever on the basic concepts of internet marketing that you can find on YouTube, here, and many other marketing blogs for free, I really can’t see many other people benefiting from the basic courses at Google Sniper 3.0.

Pro & Cons


  • No additional upsells inside of course
  • Product is easy to navigate and laid out well
  • The Bulletproof Manual is fairly up-to-date and gives a decent blueprint for site development


  • Methods taught in the Sniper Cash Machine course are unethical and illegal in some areas
  • Too many upsells and downsells while trying to make your upfront purchase
  • Deceptive hidden subscription add-on
  • While there were proof elements given, many of them were dated and some were 5-years-old or older
  • Some of the information in the main PDF is now dated and some suggestions that are made can actually hurt your Google rankings due to changes in the way Google ranks sites
  • Asks you to sell to your friends, family, and co-workers before teaching you anything about the course

Does Google Sniper 3.0 Offer Support

Google Sniper 3.0 does have a support system in place in the form of email.

They state that it can take several days or a week or longer to receive answers to your questions. They also state that they will not give any support until you have your campaigns fully setup. This basically means you are on your own and need to rely solely on the training itself for support.

My Final Thoughts On Google Sniper 3.0

The main PDF Google Sniper guide was probably a very valuable resource when it was first created, but now serves as a great reminder of how things used to be. While there are a few “golden nuggets” of information in the course, there really isn’t much that you would miss by reading many of the free “What is internet marketing” e-books that are online.

The dated guide, spammy social media tactics, and the fact that you are encouraged to sell to friends, family, and co-workers prior to having any knowledge about the product other than how much they pay you per sale, really bothers me.

While there are some great points in the Bulletproof Manual, it is nothing that is revolutionary or ground-breaking. It certainly doesn’t justify the price for the entire course.
In short, I would have to say that you need to avoid this course, and search for some of the more up-to-date training courses out there.

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